Sunday, October 19, 2014

Cloud Computing services.

  1. PaaS - (Platform as a Service)
This type of serivice oriented to provide it's servers where they can run their applications instead of storing them in your own facilities. Those applications delivered to user by a public internet what is saving time and labour. With this technology, enterprise operations, or a third-party provider, can manage OSes, virtualization, servers, storage, networking, and the PaaS software itself. Developers, however, manage the applications.

     2. SaaS - (Software as a Service)
With this type of service software, developed, created and managed by a SaaS provider runs on computer, instead of installing and managing by user.
Google Gmail;

    3. IaaS - (Infrastructure as a Service)
This cloud provides infrastructure(self-service) for managing,monitring, acessing infrastructure data such as compute, storage, networking, and other elements (security, tools) are provided by the IaaS provider via public Internet, VPN, or dedicated network connection. Users own and manage operating systems, applications, and information running on the infrastructure and pay by usage.

Deployments of the clouds.

Public cloud.

Infrosttructure of cloud that aims free use by wide public. Public cloud can be owned, used by comercial, governmental or scientisfic organisations. Public cloud physically exists in the owners jusrisdiction - service provider.

Private cloud.

A private cloud is a scalable cloud environment, built on infrastructure that's purely dedicated to your business. Whether you host it in your data center, a partner data center], you'll get the agility and efficiency of an Openstack-based public cloud for your own use.

Hybrid cloud.

This tipe of cloud is a hybrid of private and public clouds. Its have to consist of at least one public and private clouds. This type of clouds allows providers to provide the couple benefist of both clouds at once.

The mission of Cloud Computing...

It's came to 21st century. And suddenly, quite unexpectedly, in the technology market emerges a strange word like "Cloud computing"? Already in 2009, IDC estimates the market for public cloud computing  was $ 17 billion - about 5% of the total market of information technologies. Why did it growed so fast? Cloud computing was aiming to make technologies cheaper and simplify the new technologies and allow ayone to use it. So everyone, without deep knowledge in technologies could focuse on man businesses instead of researching about them.main benefit of using the clouds is that it's minimizing user's involvement into process, thereby reduces work force and chances of human errors by autonomic computings that built-in virtual devices which appeared by separation physical device.

Cloud computing and with what it eat.

Cloud computing? Hmm... What comes in your mind when you hear "cloud" computing? Computing somewhere in the clouds where you can't see? Well, It's true that you cant see them but they are not in a clouds at all. The basic idea of "cloud" is to provide network access on demand to the  data networks, servers, storage, applications, services , which can be promptly granted and released with minimal operating costs and provider access. Sounds familiar isnt it? You could recognize the word "cloud" by the very popular now service called "Cloud Storage" such as Dropbox, Google Drive and etc. Idea of those is to provide users an internet storage which will allow users permanent(constant) access to their files they saved there before. This system works as on the diagram above.

Why cloud computing called "cloud"?

There is metaphor why its called cloud: For the users of cloud computing, elements, which are participating the systems are invisible, as if they are hidden behind the cloud.